Sunday, April 22, 2012

Enjoying the bush on Kangaroo Island!

Glad the sun was back out today, though we did get a few sneaky squalls. The walking shoes were donned today for some bushwalking in the Flinders Chase National Park.

We did the 9 km return Rocky River hike which incorporated the Platypus Waterholes Walk. A nice 3 hour workout!

The first part of the hike took us from the Visitor's Centre across Black Swamp - an open grassy area, to the Rocky River. The Cape Barren Geese were grazing in the grassy meadow and they took minimal interest in us as we passed by. We arrived quietly at the platypus waterholes but unfortunately the platypus were shy today, or asleep - as they are nocturnal!, so we gazed at their waterholes and admired the reflections of the bush and the sky on the glassy surface. Pete, with his keen eyes, spied some Marron (tiny crayfish) crawling around in the mud! The only platypus we saw was a little sculpture marking the trail!

From there we walked along the Rocky River following the trail that meanders through forest and woodland. No wildlife today though! but great exercise and fresh bush air!

Arriving back at the park where we are staying we strolled through the Koala Walk hoping to catch a glimpse, but no koalas today! We were rewarded though with lots of Tammar wallabies bouncing around, as well as a cheeky kangaroo.

Yesterday's rain and todays sun saw some nice juicy green pick on the grass around the MH this evening, so we had some lovely visitors - a cast of pink and grey galahs and some more kangaroos!

Our round trip exercise trail 
The early settlers of the Black Swap area

Can only imagine how tough these individuals were in what must have been super harsh conditions! That goes for all the early explorers and settlers! Also their clothes weren't that congenial for the climate or the work! 
Saw the swamp, and the gums- but no koalas in them today
   even though it is one of their favourite treats!

The Cape Barrens - must have a nest near here!

Wandering across the grass meadow of  Black Swamp
A handsome looking chap! Love the pink legs! and bright yellow plate on its beak.
All goes beautifully with the soft grey feathers


Very pleasant!

They were very elusive today! ;)
And we were very, very quiet!

Nothing but reflections! They were quite nice!
The only platypus we saw today!
Marron on the muddy bottom of the waterhole

A Tammar Wallaby
There were lots of them in the bush behind our campsite
As we walked past the next door farm the kangaroo was helping himself to the farmer's hay
As soon as he saw us watching him he took off......he knew he shouldn't be there I think!!!

You caught me! :)
I'll try some of this bush tucker instead! More my style!
Catching a nap in the sun
This is yummy!
Got a paw full!
having a good munch!
Having a scratch
You still watching me! I'm not doing anything I shouldn't!
They are so sweet and cute and placid
Our evening visitors
You can also see here that quite a few kangaroos visit this grass! :)
They were gazing on the left hand side of the MH
She was grazing on the right hand side of the MH
Another mum and her joey
Sorry about the reflections - took the shot out the back window 
And another one!  Mmmm.........some nice new leaves on this branch!!!

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