Monday, October 3, 2011

Rain, rain go away!!

Day 16 Hawaii, Kona Saturday 01/10/2011

We know BBQ's are great but we didn't invite you RAIN!!!!!

We thought - third time lucky! A BBQ without rain!

Smashing day, lots of sunshine to enjoy (and we did! - training, scuba diving, swimming, sun-baking, reading and sleeping! ) but the ominous clouds rolled in in the afternoon and alas down she poured!! Washed out our plans to enjoy our evening BBQ around the pool, but the troops rallied and we had a great time - lots of chatter and laughter! - a good time! The steaks were great too! Top marks to the chefs!

Feed the athletes meat!
Linsey can't wait to attack her steak!
Our favourite Montana girl! 
Super chef''s, Amanda and Linsey, checking tonight's chefs, Luke, Guy and Peter's work.
Rare, medium rare, medium, WELL DONE!
How's that for a steak!
Not exactly the ambience around the pool as planned
but  the food and great company outweighed it anyway! 
Suddenly the room is quiet!
Food glorious food!
Hungry athletes, hungry diver and  gym junkies!

Replete and back to the chatter and laughs!
Our great housemates - Courtney and Raija
Luke and Amanda's great housemates - Guy and Kate
Luke's commandeered everyone's favourite chair - very comfy!
Adrian with his four hands - two look like iPods!?
A very"handy"  fellow! -  he can RUN and DIVE -
Looking nicely tanned from his scuba diving expedition to the Dome today!

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