Thursday, January 19, 2012

Eneabba!!!! A great little country town in WA's Wildflower Country!

December, 2011

While we were in WA Pete took the opportunity to visit one of his athletes who lives in Eneabba, a small country town about 2 hours north of Perth on the Brand Highway. We had a great day and enjoyed visiting Caroline on their property Judeen, and it was good for Pete to see the environment and condition's Caroline does her triathlon training in. Athlete and coach took the opportunity to do some bike, running and swim drills and fine tuning!  Pete was impressed with the great roads and running tracks Caroline had at her door step! Twenty minutes into town to the pool, which is only open in the summer - then it is a two hour drive to Geraldton to swim!!!! That's commitment! Caroline is looking forward to racing IM Melbourne! Pete is confident she will do very well as she is a talented, committed, hard training athlete - thorough in everything she does!

That is it!- everything that is in this little country town!
Not even a strip of shops!
Very small but a great community spirit!
The wild flowers were putting on a real show!
We had to head off the asphalt and onto the dirt to get to Judeen.
It was another 20 minutes from here to the actual town of Eneabba. 
The homestead sits on top of a knoll overlooking the thousands of acres.
The harvest was in full swing!
Lunch and a chat and a lot of "tri talk" before bike and running drills

Great salad - all veges grown in the garden, and the meat off the property as well!
Home baked treats (eggs from their hens) with coffee to complete a delicious lunch!
Love everything home grown!!! Beautiful, fresh and tasty!
Self sufficient out here!!!  
The lovely verandah that overlooks the property and keeps the hot, hot sun at bay!
Some of the vege gardens blend in with the gardens around the house.
Run drills on the nice lawn around the house!

Following Caroline into town to the pool - she disappeared in a cloud of red dust!!
She is use to these roads - we weren't - "Slip sliding away......."!
Lots of road trains travel the highway and roads north of Perth
Hmmmm .........didn't want to let us pass - back to the middle of the road where they like to travel!

The 25m pool at Eneabba
Very popular with the families on the properties in the area.
The kids meet their parents here after school, have a refreshing swim and some fun,
then head over to the tennis courts at 4.30 for their tennis lessons!
A great time for the mum's to catch up and socialise!
Some swim instruction and drills

Tennis lesson time!
We thoroughly enjoyed our day in Eneabba - thanks Caroline!

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